The department of philosophy of University of Madras conducted a tribute to the great legend of philosophy Raimon Panikkar has been a prominent advocate of inter-religious dialogue throughout his life. Triple doctorate holder who had published around 900 articles had traveled a longway in his discipline. Raimon a scientist, a philosopher, a theologist spend his entire life teaching at foreign universities. Dr Michael Amaldoss from Loyola College, Dr Ananad Amaldoss , Satya Nilayam Resrach Institute, Dr Pushpa Joseph ,Department of Christian studies , University of Madras , Dr Panneer Selvam , Department of Philosophy , University of Madras shared their experience and various thoughts of Raimon Panikkarn .Having authored more than fourty books,he left this world on August 26 2010,but still his famous lines reverberates in the world of philosophy. “I left as a Christian, I found myself a Hindu and I return a Buddhist”
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